My final definition of evaluation
Definition of Evaluation
Evaluation is a holistic, systematic and complex
process of assessment, measurement, analysis, collection and interpretation of the students’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, intentions and behavior. Owing to the gathered information, the previous experiences, motivation and further feedback it is feasible to make ethical and fair decisions leading to a final judgment of value.
Key concepts:
Holistic, systematic and complex process
This key point refers to evaluation´s importance as a whole and almost global view with a purpose of further teaching, adoption of new materials and methods and guidance to the students.
That key point interprets assessment as the process itself of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and teachers to decide where they need to go to get the best and when is the time for measurement and scoring.
Motivation means encouraging the students by appropriate methods, approaches and classroom procedures by affective attitudes from the teacher.
Feedback is an essential factor for students evaluation, not only for the student but also for the teacher because based on learner´s appraisal the objective can be reached, has to be modified or even eliminated.
Ethical and fair decisions
Teachers should do good, do not harm, support self-determination, be fair and be faithful to guarantee autonomy, justice and fidelity.
Final judgement of value
Using all possible techniques and methods of assessment to define when students are ready to be measured or scored.