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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My final definition of evaluation

Definition of Evaluation

Evaluation is a holistic, systematic and complex 
process of assessment, measurement, analysis, collection and interpretation of the students’ knowledge,  attitudes, skills, intentions and behavior. Owing to the gathered information, the previous experiences, motivation and further feedback it is feasible to make ethical and fair decisions leading to a final judgment of value.

Key concepts: 

Holistic, systematic and complex process

This key point refers to evaluation´s importance as a whole and almost global view with a purpose of further teaching, adoption of new materials and methods and guidance to the students.


That key point interprets assessment as the process itself of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and teachers to decide where they need to go to get the best and when is the time for measurement and scoring.


Motivation means encouraging the students by appropriate methods, approaches and classroom procedures by affective attitudes from the teacher.


Feedback is an essential factor for students evaluation, not only for the student but also for the teacher because based on learner´s appraisal the objective can be reached, has to be modified or even eliminated.

Ethical and fair decisions

Teachers should do good, do not harm, support self-determination, be fair and be faithful to guarantee autonomy, justice and fidelity.

Final judgement of value

Using all possible techniques and methods of assessment to define when students are ready to be measured or scored.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Classroom Assessment. A Plea for Change
March 20, 2012

1. - Concept of Evaluation

It is a systematic process where the student learning is not only monitored by the teacher but it is also involved the student decisions about their own abilities. It is a process where the monitor and the student working together, improve their knowledge and discover new strategies to achieve the goals.

In this definition, there are the following four key elements:

1) Systematic process 
2) The teacher involved the student decisions about their own abilities
3) The monitor and the student improve their knowledge and discover new strategies
4) The monitor and the student working together achieve the goals

Now, let’s discuss the importance of each,

1) Systematic process:  To work according to a fixed objective methodically in a period of time, it is also associated with a critical thinking which is very significant for students in general.

2) The teacher involved the student decisions about their own abilities:  Students feel free to assess themselves in the process of learning according their own abilities and they also became involve in decision making in activities that affect themselves and their peers.

3) The monitor and the student improve their knowledge and discover new strategies:  The teacher and the student working together within the learning process are able to recognize their shortcomings and errors through critical thinking and then they are able to design a new plan to achieve a particular aim.

4) The monitor and the student achieve the goals:  The result of a motivated team work between the teacher and the students is the aim or the desired answer they were expecting.

Class Activity 4

Teaching-Learning Process

To influence the pupil behavior in the desired direction, the teacher must be conscious of the goals and aims of education, he must formulate instructional objectives.
The teacher also should construct effective learning experiences and effective communication channels.
And finally, he or she will determine the extent to which these objectives are being achieved, learner appraisal.

Objectives:  The desired behavior that students should acquire, which is guided by the school and the teacher and the teacher must be conscious of the goals and aims of education.

Effective learning experiences: Should be focused on effective communication channels in order to acquire the desired behaviours.

Learner appraisal: The teachers will determine the extent to which the objectives are being achieved.

Class Activity 3

Which figure results from the operation shown?

1) What type of test is this?

It is a Psychometric test, which is made by norm and it compares performance of each student with the performance of the average performance of the members of the group.

2) What is its aim?

Its aim is to find the "best for" it don`t really evaluate the skills of each student, it just compare you with the rest of the group and tries to measure the group performance.

Class Activity 2

1) List 2 activities form classroom situations which involve decision making by the teacher.

-Debate, where the teacher is the moderator
-Evaluation activities, where the teacher and the students evaluate each other based in oral skills.

2) List 2 important aspects related to the teaching process in which evaluation is needed.

During the teaching process, is very important for the teacher to recognize the students experience based, their difficulties and abilities so then evaluation is needed

Class Activity 1

1) In what way would evaluation serve you as a teacher? What would you use it for?

Evaluation plays an important role in deciding what the learners learn and what the teachers teach and through evaluation, we can judge the development and progress the students are making in the class. I would use it to check the effectiveness of my own teaching in the classroom so that I can improve my teaching skills to achieve the goals.   

2) In an ideal school, how do you imagine students' evaluation would be like?

In an ideal school, students would evaluate teachers according to what they have already learned from he or she, and they may also compare their improvements with the objectives already given at the beginning.

3) In general, what do you think students expect from an evaluation?

They expect a meaningful evaluation and according to the objectives given at the beginning and they also expect consideration of their difficulties and experience based.

4) What types of evaluations do you know?

- Alternative assessment
- Multiple choice assessment
- Open questions assessment
- Oral and writing skill assessment
- Speaking and listening assessment